Industry Discounts

Your NAVA Premium, Premium Plus or Organisation Membership includes several discounts on entry to museums and galleries as well as art magazine subscriptions, and at Eckersley’s stores.

Art Supplies

Eckersley's Art & Craft

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10% off Eckersley's Art & Craft for Current NAVA Members. Show your NAVA Membership card in person at any Eckersley’s store nationally, and receive a 10% discount.

This discount cannot be used for online purchases. This discount can only be applied to full-priced products, and cannot be used in conjunction with Eckersley’s Creative Rewards Loyalty Program.

For any questions, please contact For store locations go here.

Art Magazines

Art Almanac logo

11 Issues for $79. Click on the link to purchase a one-year subscription in print and receive a digital version FREE for one year.