Completing a Super Choice Form
Not sure what to write on your Super Choice Form? This guide tells you where to get the information you need and which sections to fill in.
Workforce Australia Mutual obligation requirements for Visual and Creative Artists
Information session and Q&A from Workforce Australia.
EOFY - Tax Checklist for Artists
A practical guide by Brian Tucker for artists on assessable income and what you can claim as a deduction in your tax return.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and tax
Information on how tax applies to transactions involving non-fungible tokens (NFTs) from the ATO.
Invoice Template
This invoice template can be used by artists, freelance curators, and others who work as contractors in the arts.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Artists and Income Tax
A practical guide by Brian Tucker CPA, providing general information on income tax issues associated with the production and sale of art by First Nations artists.
Code of Ethics Framework & Template
An artist led code of ethics by pvi collective
Accepting other people’s money without selling your soul
Using your ethical compass by pvi collective
Public Taxation Ruling
Public Taxation Ruling: carrying on a business as a professional artist and its implications for practicing artists.
Glossary of Tax Terms
This factsheet provides definitions for some of the taxation terms you may come across in running your arts practice as a business.
Casual employees
This guide outlines casual employee entitlements and changes made to the Fair Work Act which affect casual employment.
Accelerated Depreciation
Find out how the accelerated depreciation scheme can benefit you.
Find out about what types of insurance you might need in your practice and how they work.
Tax Assessable Income and Deductions
Find out what are considered tax assessable income and expenses.
Pricing your work template
Step-by-step template to pricing your work, using cost-based, competition-based and demand-based pricing models.
Superannuation Contribution Obligations for Employers
This guide explains what might determine whether a person is an employee or a contractor for superannuation purposes.
What to do if your ABN is cancelled
This guide explains why your ABN may have been cancelled and how you can go about getting it reinstated.
Contracts and Agreements
This factsheet covers contract and agreement types and negotiating.
Confidential Information and Trade Secrets
This factsheet covers the importance of confidential information.
How do I price my artwork?
What to consider when setting a price for your artwork.
Should I have an ABN?
Don't have an ABN? Find out how registering can benefit you, your cashflow and your practice.
Becoming a Sole Trader
This factsheet will take you through the steps to becoming a Sole Trader and business and tax requirements.
Invoicing Checklist
This checklist will take you through all the requirements for issuing an tax invoice as laid out by the Australian Taxation Office.
Cashflow Forecast
This template can help you plan your income and expenditure allowing you to budget.
Tax, Artists, Galleries
Unravelling the tax implications involved when artists sell work directly, on commission or on consignment.
Where There's a Will
This factsheet provides information on estate planning for artists, covering all the options including making a will.
Art Business Skills
This factsheet outlines some basic art business skills, planning, budgeting and marketing.
Who Pays the GST?
This factsheet provides an answer to the complicated question: who pays the GST, the gallery or the artist?
Budgeting for your Business
Learn an essential skill - how to budget for your art practice as a business.