WNTTA Where do I stand? Government stimulus package arts edition

2-3pm Thursday 23 April, Zoom meeting

Event Information
23 April, 2-3pm
Zoom meeting

UQ Art Museum's informal conversation series 'We Need To Talk About…' is back! This series brings together brilliant UQ people to discuss urgent topics in art, politics and the news. 'We Need To Talk About ...' will interrogate notions of common purpose and collective action in this time of self-isolation - tying to ideas also explored in UQ Art Museum's current exhibition program, 'Union'.

Join National Association for the Visual Arts Executive Director Esther Anatolitis and UQ Art Museum Associate Director Dr Holly Arden for a conversation on how artists and arts workers can navigate the Federal Government's stimulus packages. What is missing and what can we do? Join the conversation on Zoom.

Ask the questions you’d like answered, or simply listen. Please email Nikki Garrett n.garrett@uq.edu.au with any questions you'd like answered by Esther.