BL:AK Camp
Mob only masterclass with NAVA and Copyright Agency on Kabi Kabi Country, coordinated by Libby Harward at Booloumba Creek, Sunshine Coast QLD, 1:30-2:30pm, Tuesday 15 October 2024.
Mob only masterclass with NAVA and Copyright Agency on Kabi Kabi Country, coordinated by Libby Harward at Booloumba Creek, Sunshine Coast QLD, 1:30-2:30pm, Tuesday 15 October 2024.
First Nations Outreach Coordinator, Georgia Mokak, presented a workshop in collaboration with Artists in the Black Coordinator, Jo-Anne Driessens. The workshop outlined key areas of the Code of Practice - specifically the First Nations, Artist Self Organisations, and Payment Standards sections.
Event Details
1:30-2:30pm, Tuesday 15 October 2024
Bouloomba Creek Rd
Cambroon, Sunshine Coast QLD
Bl:ak Camp is coordinated by Libby Harward - Quandamooka Artist and Director of Munimba-ja, an Aboriginal-owned and run Art Gallery, Shopfront and Studio Space in consultation with Blak Creatives network group on Kabi Kabi and Jinibara Country.
Blak Creatives is supported through the Creative Industries Investment Program and is jointly funded by ArtsCoast through Sunshine Coast Council’s Art and Heritage Levy and the Regional Arts Development Fund in partnership with Queensland Government.
BL:AK CAMP is supported directly by ArtsCoast through Sunshine Coast Council, Creative Australia and Noosa Regional Council.
NAVA is supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support (IVAIS) program.
Black banner with bright green text that reads, 'BL:AK CAMP: Visual Art - Music - Performance'