After seven-and-a-half impactful years at NAVA, Brianna Munting is leaving the organisation to take up a new role in strategic arts infrastructure.
“I have long been deeply impressed with Brianna’s dedication, expertise and sharp thinking,“ said Executive Director Esther Anatolitis, “and I join all the NAVA team in wishing her the very best in her next role. The contemporary arts is richer for her contribution and her leadership.”
Highlights of Brianna’s work as Deputy Director have been the We Are Here Artist Run Initiative festival, Future/Forward the first national visual arts summit and her work on 2015 Arts Funding campaign.
“I want to say thank you to all of the arts community and everyone who has ever attended, listened, participated and led actions that strengthen the ideas and value of Australian contemporary arts and culture,” said Brianna.
“I appreciate the opportunities I have been given during my time with NAVA, as well the significant projects I have been able to develop and deliver for such a key organisation. I have learned so much in the delivery of two major summits, in speaking with such great thinkers on countless panels, in talking through challenges and opportunities with artists, in being able to support the work of key organisations, in standing on the Sydney Opera House steps calling for change, and in promoting equity, integrity and collaboration through research, exhibitions, grants and projects.
“I am confident in NAVA’s future, and in collaboration with the arts community it is an organisation that will be able to imagine and create truly great things for the arts in Australia.”
Brianna’s last day with NAVA is Wednesday 22 November 2017.
Photo by James Photographic Services