Maximise your unspent budget by supporting NAVA

Empower the visual arts with your EOFY contribution.

As the financial year draws to a close, it's the perfect opportunity to make your remaining organisation budget count. Join NAVA in our mission to champion the rights and well-being of artists and arts workers.

From advocating for equitable wages and ethical industry practices to providing essential services like the Code of Practice and professional development, NAVA is committed to improving the fundamental conditions of work and practice in our sector.

Your support is crucial in sustaining this transformative work. By renewing, joining as a new Organisation Member or donating to NAVA, you play a vital role in amplifying our collective impact.

Let's ensure that your unspent funds contribute to a lasting impact on the visual arts.

Membership and donations to NAVA are tax deductible! Renew, join and or donate before the EOFY on 30 June 2024.

Image credit

Robyn Fernandez, NAVA Professional Development Coordinator (QLD), presenting the Code of Practice for Visual Arts, Craft and Design to 65 arts workers from across south-east Queensland as part of the Visual Arts Worker Symposium hosted by Ipswich City Council and NAVA, 27 November 2023.

ID: Photo of Robyn presenting to a crowd sitting around round tables. Robyn is standing behind a podium to the side of a screen projected with NAVA's logo on a white background. 

Maximise your unspent budget by supporting NAVA