NAVA secures Delivery Partners funding from Creative Australia

Media Release

The National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) is thrilled to announce that we have secured a multi-year investment of $225,000 annually from Creative Australia for 2025-2028, as part of their new Delivery Partners funding stream.

Delivery Partners aims to support the provision of services to the arts and creative industries and is assessed separately from multi-year investment for organisations. NAVA joins our colleagues in welcoming this innovative approach to funding service organisations. This initiative enables Creative Australia to gain a more comprehensive strategic overview of the services it funds, taking into account sector needs, gaps, and future trends.

NAVA stands as the national peak body for the visual arts, craft, and design, advocating for a vital, sustainable, and ethical industry, and takes the lead in setting standards, championing artists’ rights, and promoting good practices across the sector.

This investment will support NAVA in continuing to advocate for more equitable working conditions for artists and arts workers, nurturing strong relationships with governments, and collaborating with the sector to improve fundamental conditions of work and practice. 

Endorsed by the Federal Government in Revive: a place for every story, a story for every place, the Code of Practice for Visual Arts, Craft, and Design is the nucleus of NAVA’s work, covering good practice recommendations for working relationships, ethical standards of access and inclusion, and payment rates for artists and arts workers.

In addition to championing the rights of artists as workers and setting standards for equitable engagements in the visual arts, NAVA supports artists through a range of services, including insurance, professional development and education, the Artists’ Benevolent Fund, and one-on-one advice and support.

The Delivery Partners funding replaces the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy (VACS) funding that NAVA is receiving until the end of 2024, providing a small boost. It is important to note that this is the only operational funding that NAVA receives and continues to be significantly lower than funding levels prior to federal budget cuts implemented in 2016.

By backing NAVA through donations, or joining, or renewing your Membership, you not only contribute to ongoing campaigns to improve the fundamental conditions of work and practice, but also support a dedicated team that provides advice and answers questions about the Code.

We know that the arts often lead to progressive social change throughout the wider community. It is part of artists’ role in society to inspire and energise us all to make positive change. And we believe it is our role at NAVA to provide the same inspiration for the sector. NAVA is committed to implementing the high standards of equity and good practice outlined in the Code, and to organisational processes supporting sustainability and good governance.

Media Enquiries
Leya Reid

About NAVA
The National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) is a Membership organisation that brings together the many voices of the contemporary arts sector to improve fundamental conditions of work and practice. We do this through advocacy, education and the Code of Practice. For further information on NAVA visit

Image credit

Attendees at NAVA Code of Practice workshop, Gympie (Kabi Kabi) Queensland. Photo by Leeroy Todd Photo and Film, 2024.

[ID: A photo of a large blue pull up banner with the NAVA logo printed in black. The backs of 4 people's heads are out of focus in the foreground of the photo.]

NAVA secures Delivery Partners funding from Creative Australia