Update to Payment Standards in NAVA Code of Practice

The first annual increase to the Payment Standards in NAVA’s Code of Practice took effect on 1 July 2024.

The first annual increase to the Payment Standards in NAVA’s Code of Practice for Visual Arts, Craft and Design (the Code) was implemented on 1 July 2024. This marks the first indexation since the revised Code was published in September 2022.

NAVA has also updated the Payment Standards chapter of the Code to reflect the recent National Minimum Wage increase announced by the Fair Work Commission. The updates apply to the National Minimum Wage, Superannuation rates, and other Award minimum wages and Allowances, which are drawn from the Live Performance Award.


Last month, NAVA confirmed an adjusted indexation rate of 2.375% for the Payment Standards. This rate is a midpoint between the federal government’s 1% minimum percentage increase for multi-year contracts (applied by Creative Australia) and the 3.75% increase to minimum and award wages by the Fair Work Commission. 

The increase has been applied to: 

Other increases

Freelance rates from the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) and the Australian Society of Authors (ASA) have been adjusted to reflect current rates and are expected to increase again before the end of the year. NAVA is in ongoing discussions with ASA regarding these changes. Additionally, some increases have been applied to the Licensing rates set by the Copyright Agency.

National Minimum Wage

The National Minimum Wage applies to employees not covered by an Award or registered agreement. From 1 July 2024, the National Minimum Wage will increase to $915.90 per week or $24.10 per hour, with casual workers receiving a 25% casual loading. The Fair Work Commission’s decision aligns with the forecasted inflation rate drop below 3% in 2025. The new rates apply from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024. For example, if your weekly pay period starts on Wednesday, the new rates will apply from Wednesday 3 July 2024.

Two minimum ranges in the Wages section of the Code have been updated:

  • Front of House staff at small organisations now start at the National Minimum Wage.
  • Wages for Administration Officers have been adjusted based on the minimum wage increase.

Award minimum wages and allowances

On 1 July 2024, Award wages increased by 3.75%. The Code has been updated to reflect this increase in the following sections: 

Both sections are based on the Live Performance Award (MA000081).

Superannuation (super)

On 1 July 2024, the Superannuation Guarantee rate increased from 11% to 11.5%. For a list of Superannuation Guarantee rates, visit ATO – Super guarantee percentage.

The Code details superannuation obligations for employers and contractors and recommends budgeting for superannuation separately from the artist's fee. NAVA supports the principle of industrial fairness and the inclusion of super contributions for artists. 

To further understand your super obligations or entitlements, contact the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

New Auslan videos added

NAVA has added eight videos to the Code website this week, providing Auslan translations of the Summary of Good Practice Recommendations for the following sections: 

Image credit

Photo by Garry Trinh 2024 of NAVA Code of Practice postcard featuring illustration by Claudia Chinyere Akole © 2022. 

ID: A photo shows two hands holding a postcard. The postcard has a colorful graphic illustration depicting trees, an art gallery, and people engaged in various art-related activities. The text on the postcard reads: 'Code of Practice for Visual Arts, Craft and Design.'