Exhibition: LACED

In this exhibition, LACED, three NSW artists, Jane Theau, Maggie Hensel-Brown and Tina Fox, give contemporary expression to this traditional artform.

6 June – 20 July 2024

Lace is impractical, insubstantial and full of holes but has nevertheless been used to tell substantive and personal stories throughout history.

In this exhibition three NSW based artists use three different lace techniques to interpret their personal experience and give contemporary expression to this traditional artform.

Jane Théau uses a sewing machine to create life-sized lace images that are included in installations and dance performances.

Maggie Hensel-Brown creates meticulously detailed needle lace, capturing modern life with a technique that is unchanged since its development in the 16th century.

Tina Fox challenges conventional perceptions of crocheted lace, one of the few crafts that cannot be automated, as she explores the relationship between crochet and digital technologies.

Image: Maggie Hensel-Brown, For You (detail), 2023. Photo: Courtesy of the Artist


There is a ramp at the side entrance of ADC (Palmer St) and wheelchair-accessible toilet on the lower gallery level. Access to the lower level is through the main entrance off William St. Please ask our friendly staff for assistance. A full gallery Access statement is available to download from the ADC website.


Opening: June 6, 2024, midnight Closing: July 20, 2024, midnight


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