IOTA24 – Jillian Green | The Upholstered Donkey

Step into the whimsical world of The Upholstered Donkey, an enchanting exhibition that brings the charm of the home paddock to life. Featuring intricately woven tapestries interlaced with found objects, this installation draws inspiration from the everyday adventures of two delightful miniature donkeys, Joe Green and Frank Davies. Like all equines, the donkey's visual perception is dominated by contrast, light, and dark shapes - elements richly depicted in this exhibition.

In 2024 the 2nd Indian Ocean Craft Triennial investigates the multi-various languages codified in contemporary craft. Visit the major international exhibition at six galleries, conference, and over 70 more exhibitions and events across Western Australia.

A relationship with donkeys is not unlike a relationship with one’s own art practice, in that it’s an endlessly interesting negotiation with an independent and mysterious 'other', at times delightfully cooperative, at times frustratingly opaque and unruly.

Jillian Green's art practice has become entwined with her relationship with two young donkeys. Jillian dreams of one or the other literally every night, down to the subconscious level firmly being yoked to both. Like all Equines their visual perception is dominated by contrast, light and dark, and therefore shape.

In The Upholstered Donkey Jillian depicts shapes associated with the boys and their environment. Weaving with wool came to her after a couple of particularly long wet winters. Given donkeys do not have protective oils in their skin, the need to protect from the weather became a concern, shapes of shelter, rugs and coats entered their arena. This occasionally figurative language of soft geometry continues to evolve.


- Street parking and parking lots in front and to right of building.
- Accessible toilets on site
- Lift access
- For enquiries, contact 08 9792 7323 or