REMOTLEYCLOSE is about the happiness and sorrow of migrating, leaving home and reinvention elsewhere. The artists contemplate both ‘home and away.’ Is ‘home’ simply made by adding together time + safety + familiarity as the geographer Yi Fu Tuan tells us? The question of how people turn a foreign space into a known place or a home is embedded into most of Carolina Furque and Steve Eastaugh’s work.

Travel is a universal topic adored by most Australians and REMOTELYCLOSE reinforces both the travails and treasures of human movement. This is a travelling show that visually wanders where we all are.

An array of mixed media work, B/W photographs and works on paper shape the exhibition plus the presentation of short digital films depicting work created on the road in a dozen formal art residency programs. These films show contrasting locations, the diverse working methods and wide-ranging artistic outcomes.


Geraldton Regional Art Gallery is complaint with accessibility regulations. Contact them for further details: https://www.cgg.wa.gov.au/your...


Opening: April 27, 2024, midnight Closing: June 23, 2024, midnight


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