Visual Support Material
This guide outlines key considerations when compiling your visual support material for funding applications and grant proposals.
Selling Your Art Online
This factsheet guides you through the process of online sales and selling through your own website, written by Art Pharmacy.
Dispute Resolution
A guide to dispute resolution published by the Attorney General's department of the Australian Government.
Conservation: A visual glossary
Published by the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM), this is a visual glossary about the damage and deterioration of artworks.
Handling, transportation, storage & display
Published by the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM), this is a guide to handling, transportation, and display of artworks.
Conservation: Damage & Decay
Published by the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM), this is a guide about the damage and decay of artworks.
Artist Statement Template
A step-by-step template to writing your artist statement.
How do I promote my exhibition?
This guide provides tips and tricks to promote your upcoming exhibition.
Curatorial Toolkit
Published by 2010 Legacies Now in Canada, this toolkit covers key considerations surrounding the professional practice of curators.
How to put on an accessible exhibition
Published by Shape Arts in the UK, this is a practical guide for installing and delivering an accessible exhibition.
Public Art: Roundtable || Sydney
A forum and roundtable with artists, policy makers and planners around best practice in public art, 3-6pm at The Gunnery Woolloomooloo.
A Language Guide: trans and gender diverse inclusion
This guide explains key terms that can help build inclusive environments for trans and gender diverse communities.
Guide to inclusive language in the workplace
Building inclusion through the power of language is a guide to inclusive language in the workplace published by the Diversity Council of Australia.
Sources of Funding Factsheet
A factsheet with links and information to a wide range of funding bodies and opportunities throughout Australia.
Protocols for using First Nations Cultural and Intellectual Property in the Arts
The Australia Council guide for visual arts guides spell out clearly the legal as well as the ethical and moral considerations for the use of Indigenous cultural material.
Acknowledgement of Country
Protocols for acknowledgement of country in Australia.
Art and You: a planning guide
Access a booklet to help people with disability, mental health issues or those who are Deaf talk about why art is important in their lives.
A Language Guide: talking about disability
This is a language guide to help you navigate the evolving language of disability.
Art for Everyone: inclusive practice in arts and mental health
This workbook offers ideas and resources to help you design projects that engage artists and people with disability, mental health issues and who are Deaf.
Pricing your work template
Step-by-step template to pricing your work, using cost-based, competition-based and demand-based pricing models.
Expressions of Interest (EOI)
This factsheet provides some tips and guidelines for completing an expression of interest.
Public Presentations
This guide outlines key considerations for putting together a dynamic and engaging presentations.
Who's afraid of Australian artists?
A discussion about the intersection of art and politics in contemporary Australia. Facilitated by Esther Anatolitis, with guest speakers Simon Hunt, Sara Saleh & Alex Seton.
The Artist as Entrepreneur
A professional development forum for emerging and mid career artists in partnership with Print Council of Australia.
Art, Agency, Action: Melbourne
A social change forum for artists and activists to discuss models for change and strategies for the future of our arts ecology, held at Testing Grounds.
Art, Agency, Action: Sydney
A social change forum for artists and activists to discuss models for change and strategies for the future of our arts ecology, held at Firstdraft Gallery.
Reimagining Equality
Reimagining Equality is a forum event with artists and curators to discuss equality in the arts at Bankstown Arts Centre.
Let's talk about curating, baby
Presented in partnership with Sydney College of the Arts (SCA), this forum unpacked some of the debates and tensions of what it means to be a contemporary curator in Australia today.
Ethics, money & art
A public forum at Sydney College of the Arts discussing the ethics of money and art.