Robyn Fernandez


Come find NAVA's stall at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF) 25 - 28 July 2024.

NAVA Talks AI program recap

These webinars provided an overview of the critical issues at the intersection of AI and arts practice, offering valuable insights and practical advice for artists navigating this evolving landscape.

Queensland Professional Development Program: Update and Upcoming

With funding from Arts Queensland, NAVA is currently piloting a professional development program centred around the Code.

NAVA at Find: Public Art Summit

NAVA joins two-day program to discuss good practice frameworks within
public art as part of the Regional Arts Services Network Find: Public Arts Summit in Bundaberg, 22 and 23 February 2024.

BL:AK Camp

Masterclass on Kabi Kabi Country, 10am-4pm Wednesday 6 September 2023.