Whether it’s the painters of our urban and regional landscapes, the social observations of photographers, the political satire of cartoonists or the experimental installations of sculptors and media artists, Australian artists tell the story of our nation, our people and our time with insight and authenticity.
As artists creating some of Australia’s most important visual and media arts, craft and design imagery, we the undersigned unanimously reject the Productivity Commission’s recommendations on copyright in Australia.
The recommendations to relax copyright protections with the introduction of the US doctrine of ‘Fair Use’ and the extension of Safe Harbour provisions are straight out of the Big Tech playbook and will harm the ability of Australia’s home-grown artists to create art and make a living.
Australian artists have a right to receive fair payment for their work - work that tells the story of our country, our people and our community. The changes to Australian copyright laws being pushed by the Productivity Commission, large organisations and big technology companies will threaten our work and the work of future artists.
This is not just unfair, it is a threat to the creation of Australian art in all its forms and means it may be even harder to make a living for the next generation of artists. Australian kids should be able to grow up inspired by our art and our culture.
At a time when jurisdictions around the world are reviewing the impact of major technology companies on cultural production, we call on the Australian Government and parliament to rule out these proposed changes from the Productivity Commission.
Over 339 people have signed this open letter! help us by signing and sharing this.
Marie Pienne (Artist, Vic)
Jenelle Dellar (Artist, NSW)
Lisa Mansfield (Artist, Vic)
Kath Fries (Artist, NSW)
Nick Dorrer (Artist, Art Teacher, Vic)
Dr Josephine Telfer (Artist, Vic)
Jacoba Lowry (Artist, Qld)
Vikky Wilkes (Photographer, ACT)
Stephen Petek (Artist, Petek Jewellery, NSW)
Cindy Wider (Art Curriculum Designer, Qld)
Merryn Trevethan (Artist, Vic)
Ernst Fries (Artist, Vic)
Wendy Rix (Artist, Qld)
Donata Uncanin (Artist, Vic)
W'Shawn Gray (Artist, NSW)
Scott Denholm (Artist, Qld)
Millie Bartlett (Artist, NSW)
Merran Sierakowski (Curator, NT)
Lyn Crofts (NSW)
Luci Callipari-Marcuzzo (Artist, Vic)
Leonarda Kovacic (Artist, Academic, NSW)
Mary-Anne Comford (Arts Worker / Technician, NSW)
Jill Carter-Hansen (Artist, Art Teacher, Writer, NSW)
Michelle Frantom (Academic, WA)
Sarah Dehn (Artist, Vic)
Sky Carter (Artist, NSW)
Graeme Compton (Artist, Art Teacher, NSW)
Katherine Appleby (Artist, Illustrator, NSW)
Maureen Clack (Artist, Art Teacher, NSW)
Melanie Matthews (Artist, Vic)
Elena Leong (Artist, Illustrator, Vic)
Tara White (Artist, Vic)
Caroline Kraus (Artist, SA)
Dave Atze (Artist, SA)
Jo-Anne Britt (Artist, Academic, Art Teacher, Vic)
Paul Rebec (Graphic Designer, NSW)
Catherine Mackintosh (Artist, SA)
Rebekah Dundon (Artist, Qld)
Jacqui Duncan (Artist, NSW)
Daniela Glassop (Artist, Illustrator/Graphic Designer, NSW)
Julee Tracey (Qld)
Gloria Webb (Publisher, Qld)
Agneta Ekholm (Artist, Vic)
Annie White (Artist, Vic)
Lennie Morkel- Kingsbury (Artist, Vic)
Liz Gridley (Artist, Vic)
Fiona Buchanan (Artist, WA)
Anna Lloyd (Artist, NSW)
Donna Sgro (Academic, NSW)
Sacha Campbell (Artist, WA)
Hannah Mathews (Curator, MUMA, Vic)
Linda Swinfield (Artist, Curator, Art Teacher, Arts Writer NSW)
Emilia Storm (Artist, Vic)
Barry Keldoulis (NSW)
Han Britton (Artist, Arts Manager, Canberra ACT Drink and Draw, ACT)
Claudia Nicholson (Artist, NSW)
Cara Lopez (Designer & Content Producer, NSW)
Beth Croce (Artist, Academic, Illustrator, Vic)
Scott Harrower (Artist, NSW)
Jay Dee Dearness (Artist, Qld)
Belinda Street (Artist, NSW)
Vincent he Gouw (Artist, Art Teacher, Illustrator, NSW)
Andrea Smith (Artist, Qld)
Tara Hale (Artist, Qld)
Carol Duncan (Artist, WA)
Katrin Terton (Artist, Qld)
Jo Shand (Artist, NSW)
Julie Vinci (Artist, Vic)
Debra Byrnes (NSW)
Anne-Louse Ciel (Artist, Qld)
Anthea Fogarty (Artist, SA)
Emily Jobsz Hogan (Artist, ACT)
Lisa Cahill (Arts Manager, NSW)
Chris Byrnes (Artist, NSW)
John Ford (Artist, NSW)
Sue Mccutcheon (Artist, Art Teacher, Vic)
Stephen Dundon (Qld)
Karri McPherson (Artist, Qld)
Heidi Axelsen (Artist, NSW)
David Hodgson (Qld)
Donna Jorna (Artist, NSW)
Angela Sparkers (Artist, Vic)
Rebecca Waterstone (Artist, NSW)
Jodie Wilson (Artist, SA)
Alice Gittins (Artist, Qld)
Laurie McKern (Artist, Art Teacher, NSW)
Emma Le Strange (Artist, Qld)
Wendy Harvard (Artist, Vic)
Nina Hanley (Artist, Qld)
Jeffrey Norris (Artist, Vic)
Ashlee Wilkinson (Artist, NSW)
Yvette Mackail (Qld)
Stella Chen (Artist, Art Teacher, NSW)
Kathrin Dierich (Artist, Qld)
Neville Field (Artist)
Charmaine Lyons (Artist, Photographer, Teacher Aide, Qld)
Andrew Denniston (Artist, NSW)
Savva Papandony (Academic, NSW)
Felicity Townsend (Artist, SA)
Gregory Pimm (Photographer, NSW)
Ursula Sterf (NSW)
Virginia Reid (Artist, NSW)
Benita Tunks (Artist, Curator, ACT)
Jenny Davis (Artist, Vic)
Kim V. Goldsmith (Artist, NSW)
Sarah Deverell (Artist, Art Teacher, Illustrator, Designer & Teacher)
Zoya Godoroja-Prieckaerts (Artist, Arts Manger, NT)
Kira Godoroja-Prieckaerts (Artist, Student, ACT)
Lucy Godoroja (Artist, Art Teacher, NSW)
Chelle Dickins (Artist, NSW)
Rach Ainsworth (Graphic Artist, NSW)
Emanda Percival (Artist, Tas)
Cassie Munson (Artist, Qld)
Paula Hoops (Arts Writer, Qld)
Jean Pastore (Artist, WA)
Patrick Hromas (Artist, NSW)
Sarah Davis (Artist, WA)
Kareena Zerefos (Artist, Designer, NSW)
Joel Tarling (Artist, NSW)
Flora Mavrommati (Artist, NSW)
Nicole Crosswell (Artist, Qld)
Kate Briscoe (Artist, NSW)
Ria Willering (Artist, Qld)
Shelagh Lummis (Artist, NSW)
Tash Cummings (Artist, Art Teacher, NSW)
Marg Rainsbury (Artist, Qld)
Margot Rijnders (Artist, NT)
Venus Kondos (Artist, Photographer, NSW)
Sarah Raven (Artist, Cartoonist, Qld)
Ochre Lawson (Artist, NSW)
Kerrie Sevenoaks (Artist, NSW)
Carolyn Dodds (Artist, Qld)
Robyn Davis (Artist, NSW)
Claire Capel-Stanley (Artist, Arts Manager, Arts Writer, Vic)
Susanna Mills (Artist, NSW)
Samantha Dennis (Artist, Tas)
Chrystie Hile (Graphic Designer, NSW)
Bill Morrow (Artist, SA)
Katherine Marmaras (Artist, Vic)
Lisa Pitman (Artist, SA)
Christine Jacobson (Artist, WA)
Julie Holmes (Artist, NSW)
Mary-Lin Litchfield (Artist, Vic)
Heather Vallance (Artist, Art Teacher, NSW)
Hannah Tonks (Academic, Arts Writer, NSW)
Magella Blinksell (Artist, Arts Writer, NSW)
Kim O'Brien (Artist, Tas)
Judy Morris (Artist, SA)
Ian Howard (Artist, Academic, Art Educator, UNSW Faculty of Art & Design, NSW)
Tania Bishop (Artist, Vic)
Sue Leeming (Artist, Art Technician, WA)
Brian Tucker (Arts Accountant & Auditor, Brian Tucker Accounting, Qld)
Ruth Law (Artist, NSW)
Stephanie Kam (Artist, Vic)
Nathalie Hartog-Gautier (Artist, NSW)
Claudia Roosen (NSW)
Kerry Wilson (Artist, NSW)
Hanna Kay (Artist, Academic, NSW)
Stephanie Holm (Artist, NSW)
Tracey Coutts (Artist, Vic)
Carmel Louise (Artist, Art Teacher, Vic)
Jeremy Collins (Artist, Art Teacher, Vic)
Lynda Gibbins (Artist, NSW)
Sonya Jackson (Artist, NSW)
Phoebe Hicks (Designer, NSW)
Mirjana Neshich (Visual Artist, SA)
Susan Zuzarte (Artist, NSW)
Tina Coxall (Artist, Vic)
R Anjuli Drury (Artist, Designer, Photographer, NSW)
Barbara Heaton (NSW)
Anna Jug (Curator, SA)
Ian North (Artist, SA)
Jude Worters (Artist, Vic)
Lisa Stamos (Artist, Qld)
Angela Gardner (Artist, Arts Writer, Poet)
Louise Naumann (Arts Administrator, Qld)
Morgana Creely (Craftsperson, Photographer, Vic)
Christina Zey (Artist, NSW)
Marni Stuart (Designer, Academic, Qld)
Mick Harding (Artist, Vic)
Jade Hedges (Artist, Designer, WA)
Fiona Grubb (Artist, NSW)
Eleanor Lukale (Photographer, WA)
Mary Watson (NSW)
Ellè Misios (Arts Manager, NT)
Cindy Crook (Artist, Designer, Academic, Arts Educator, Curator, Art Installer, SA)
Janet Fieldhouse (Artist, Qld)
Jane Tonks (Artist, NSW)
Alicia Crossley (Musician, NSW)
Matilda Von (Arts Law student, NSW)
Tracy L Spalding (Artist, Designer, Qld)
Donna Johnstone (Artist, Designer, NSW)
Sally Smart (Artist, NSW)
Susan Hawthorne (Academic, Arts Writer, Publisher, Spinifex Press, Qld)
Joe Hall (Artist, NSW)
Mandy Pickett (Artist, Arts Educator, Arts Manager, Art Rangers Network, Vic)
Jenny Hall (Artist, Vic)
Nidia Hansen (Artist, Arts Manager, WA)
Craig Bennett (Artist, Academic, Arts Educator, NSW)
Milly Hyde (Art Installer, NSW)
Angie Black (Artist, Academic, Filmmaker, La Trobe University, NSW)
Di Lamont (Artist, Art Installer, NSW)
Trish Ward (Artist, SA)
Linda Smith (Artist, SA)
Tony Smit (Artist, AWAS, NSW)
Jodie van de Wetering (Artist, Qld)
Gil Robertson (Heritage Writer, SA)
Alison Jane Rice (Artist, Arts Educator, NSW)
John Stockwell (Qld)
John Bartlett (Arts Writer, Vic)
Graham Seal (Academic, writer, musician, WA)
Marjorie Lewis-Jones (Writer and editor, NSW)
Janet Clayton (Arts Manager, Janet Clayton Gallery, NSW)
Bec Cawthorne (Artist, Qld)
Veronica Cay (Artist, Qld)
Heather Charlton (Artist, WA)
Naomi Campbell (Artist, SA)
Giovanna Inserra (Artist, Vic)
Leonie Kervin (Artist, Arts Educator, Vic)
Elizabeth Borg (Craftsperson, Qld)
John La Mude (Artist, Craftsperson, Photographer, Art Installer, Vic)
Eddy Krajcar (Educational Author, WA)
Lisa Waup (Artist, Vic)
Lynette Bridge (Artist, Photographer, NSW)
Simon O'Carrigan (Artist, Illustrator, Animator, Vic)
Karen Carrejo (Artist, Craftsperson, Art Installer, NSW)
Annie White (Artist, Vic)
Deborah Hindley (WA)
Sandra Kerr (Artist, NSW)
Lily Basdeo (Author, NSW)
David Green (Artist, Emeritus Professor, Qld)
Manja Apol (Artist, WA)
Alison Viedt (Artist, NSW)
Hannah Mitchell (Artist, Arts Educator, NSW)
Kirsten Sivyer (Artist, WA)
Jane Colvin (Artist, Qld)
Judith White (Arts Writer, NSW)
Margaret Gooding (Artist, Craftsperson, Photographer, Curator, Illustrator, RT Artspace, NSW)
Greg Holfeld (Illustrator/Animator, SA)
Kevin Rogers (Artist, Designer, Photographer, NT)
Sonja Woodbridge (Artist, SA)
Tarryn McGregor (Artist, Vic)
Geoff Stone (Photographer, Geoff Stone's Photo Place, NSW)
Kim Holden (Artist, Craftsperson, Photographer, NSW)
Raelene Arvidson (Vic)
Susan Lowick (Photographer, NSW)
Patti Dragonfly (Artist, Curator, Creative Director, NSW)
Atalanta Lloyd-Haynes (Artist, Academic, NSW)
Marilyn Nuske (Artist, Copyright Lawyer, Vic)
Kat Stutley (Artist, Qld)
Lynette Isted (Artist, WA)
Gail Pearson (Artist, Qld)
Renee Hudson (Craftsperson, Qld)
Garry Rogers (Artist, Designer, Craftsperson, Photographer, Qld)
Carole Lees (Artist, Vic)
Jillian Bradley (Artist, Qld)
Jennefer Booth (Artist, Craftsperson, Photographer, NSW)
Liz Bellette-Stubbs (Photographer, NSW)
Leanne M Williams (Artist, Designer, Photographer, NSW)
Janet Dampney (Photographer, NSW)
Simon Toogood (Photographer, Tas)
Julie Hutchinson (Artist, Arts Educator, NSW)
Ann Wharton (Photographer, NSW)
Wendy Irving (NSW)
John Mckay (Photographer, Vic)
Cherie Hodges (Artist, Designer, Craftsperson, Photographer, Vic)
Lucas Miller (Photographer, NSW)
Jessica Riley (Photographer, SA)
Rita England (Photographer, NSW)
Paula Maggs (Artist, NSW)
Jonathan Kristeller (Artist, Arts Manager, Law Student UTS, NSW)
Dallas Thomas (Photographer, NSW)
John Kelm (Photographer, Vic)
Rod Atkins (Photographer, Tas)
Kerry Hart (Photographer, SA)
Karen Reynolds (Artist, Arts Educator, NSW)
Mark Godfrey (Photographer, NSW)
Ian Braithwaite (Photographer, NSW)
Darren Trebilco (Artist, Gallery Owner, Solitude Art, Qld)
Kyle Coffee (Photographer, NSW)
Rowan Dodds (Artist, SA)
Bente Andermahr (Artist, Photographer, SA)
Linda Harris (Artist, Arts Educator, NSW)
Libby Arnold (Designer, Craftsperson, Photographer, NSW)
Brittany Millen (Designer, Photographer, NSW)
Pattie Sadler (Artist, NSW)
Rhonda Ramadge (Photographer, Qld)
Amy Campbell (Artist, ACT)
Linda Lees (Artist, Vic)
Fenji Stradwick (Artist, NSW)
Michelle Richter (Artist, Photographer, Vic)
Jay Salton (Artist, Qld)
Helen Millan (NSW)
Adrian Russell-Davies (Artist, NSW)
Kate Roblliard (Craftsperson, ACT)
Niki K (Artist, Craftsperson, Qld)
Luke Eberbach (Photographer, Vic)
Alex Wisser (Artist, Photographer, NSW)
Yasmin Naghavi (Creative Industries Lawyer, Media Arts Lawyers, Vic)
Sue Nelson (Screenwriter, NSW)
Tracey Murphy (Artist, Arts Educator, ACT)
Tristan Chant (Arts Manager, NSW)
Sophie Byrne (Arts Manager, NSW)
Siobhan Skipworth (Illustrator, Qld)
Steve Younger (Artist, Designer, Craftsperson, Qld)
Carmen Payne (Designer, InkPink Design, Vic)
Christy Martin (Designer, Qld)
Lori Lay (Designer, Vic)
Richard Aylward (Arts Writer, Qld)
William Bradney (Musician, NSW)
Claire Harris (Curator, Flinders Lane Gallery, Vic)
John Swainston (Photographer, Writer, NSW)
Melinda Comerford (Arts, Photographer, Arts Educator, Australian Institute of Professional Photography, Qld)
Kevin O'Daly (Photographer, Arts Educator, Director Aspect Photographics Pty Ltd, Tas)
Lisa Christensen (Designer, Vic)
Marg Towt (Artist Designer, Photographer, Arts Manager, Arts Supporter, Vic)
Stephen Harrison (Artist, NSW)
Greta Brown (Qld)
Jules Ober (Photographer, Vic)
Rosemary Prider (Artist, SA)
Lorraine Abernethy (Artist, Arts Educator, NSW)
Krystal Gough (Designer, Qld)
K Jensen (Designer, Qld)
Polixeni Papapetrou (Artist, Vic)
Uri Auerbach (Artist, Photographer, NSW)
Vicki Sullivan (Artist, Vic)
Shags (Artist, ACT)
Kellie Higg (Photographer, SA)
Kylie Jones (Designer, Qld)
Dianne Smith (Artist, NSW)
Chelsea Hopkins-Allan (Artist, WA)
Carolyn Cardinet (Artist, Arts Educator, Vic)
Jemima Whitford (Artist, NSW)
Helen Pynor (Artist, NSW)
Shelley Chalmers (Photographer, Craftsperson, Designer, Artist, Qld)
Bessie Spatharos (Artist, NSW)
Katie Roberts (Artist, Arts Educator, Vic)
David Capra (Artist, NSW)
Criss Canning (Artist, Vic)
Linda Jeffrey (Photographer, Qld)
Guy Havell (Artist, Photographer, Qld)
Stephen Bennett (Arts Educator, Arts Writer, Photographer, Designer)
Steve Atkinson (Artist, Photographer, SA)
Rachel Tannett (Artist, Photographer)
Victoria Reid (Photographer, Qld)
Ian Cowdell (Photographer, WA)
Chris Linthorne (Arts Writer, Qld)