NAVA Premium Plus (biannual) - no longer offered

Pay in two instalments of $149.00.

NAVA’s Premium Plus biannual payment plan is no longer being offered. 

AUD 149.00 dollars biannual

What’s the payment plan?

The Payment Plan temporarily offers Members the option to pay in two instalments of $149 including GST and credit card fees. It was a temporary measure designed to offer helpful relief through the COVID19 crisis. It’s a payment plan, not a six-month insurance policy.

What does this mean?

If you chose NAVA’s Premium Plus Membership Payment Plan NAVA will look after your insurance across the entire year, but make it possible for your premium to be paid across two instalments. It’s our way of helping out by deferring one of the costs of doing business as a professional artist.

How will it work?

The second instalment is automatically processed six-months after the date of the first instalment.

The Insurance Package and Assessment

  • Factsheet - for more information about the insurance package and assessment process.
  • Policy Disclosure Statement - the details about the insurance policy.
  • Professional Assessment Criteria - the criteria used to assess your application.
  • Terms and Conditions - the terms you agree to when taking out this Membership, payment plan and insurance policy.

Other Benefits

Amplify your voice

  • Advocacy & Campaigns - NAVA is actively involved in a number of areas of advocacy to improve the working environment for artists and arts organisations. We regularly undertake active campaigns to bring about change or pioneer new policies for the sector and encourage input and participation from our members.
  • NAVA Artist Files - The Artist Files are an ever growing collection of interviews with our professional members. Find out what inspires them, how their careers have developed and learn from their experiences.
  • Voting Rights - NAVA is a membership organisation, as a member you have the right to vote at our Annual General Meeting as well as nominating for and electing members of our board.

Develop your practice

  • Opportunities - members can browse through, or post their own notices for upcoming exhibitions and events, as well as funding and job opportunities from around Australia and internationally.
  • Grants - NAVA administers a range of grants and scholarships to support and develop the work of visual arts, craft and design practitioners and curators.
  • Guides - access to our online resources including factsheets, template and checklists covering a range of topics such as grant writing, taxation, business skills, promoting your work, copyright and more.
  • Professional development - NAVA has a yearly program of events, programs and resources for professional development for artists. The program includes community building, skills development and insights into professional practice.
  • Advice & Guidance - Have a question that you can’t find the answer to? Email us on or call 1800 046 282 (18000 4 NAVA). We can also provide referrals or support for members experiencing disputes. We are not able to provide legal advice or legal representation.

Strengthen your sector

  • Code of Practice - a comprehensive guide to best practice standards for artists’ fees, gallery representation, residencies, tax, insurance and artists’ rights.
  • Discounts - NAVA Membership receive discounts with a range of organisations across the sector such as:
    • Discounted entry to paying exhibitions at major galleries around Australia
    • A 10% discount at Eckersley’s Art and Craft stores
    • Discounted subscriptions to Artlink and Eyeline magazines
    • Discounts on NAVA Online Courses and merchandise
    • Other giveaways and offers such as movie tickets and tickets to arts events.
  • NAVA News - stay connected with NAVA monthly e-newsletter, linking you to everything we’ve been working on and what’s happening in contemporary arts around Australia.

AUD 149.00 dollars biannual