1. Which membership is best for me?
That depends on what you would like access to!
- If you are after liability insurance coverage then you will need to apply for the Premium Plus Membership.
- If you would like full access to all the resources on the NAVA website but don’t need insurance coverage then the Premium Membership is the best option.
- If you just want to find out what we are about, be on our mailing list and be able to apply for grants or submit event/opportunity listings then a NAVA Free account is best for you.
- If you are an organisation wanting full access to all the resources on the NAVA website then the Organisation Membership is the best option.
Switching between different account types is easy. If you have a Premium Membership and need insurance coverage you can upgrade to Premium Plus Membership at any time.
2. Can I pay via direct deposit or cheque?
Yes! If you are not able to pay for your membership via debit or credit card please send an email to nava@visualarts.net.au requesting an invoice.
3. How do I cancel?
If you are currently paying for your membership on monthly payments you can cancel your membership by logging in to the NAVA website with your email address and password. Once you are logged in click on the profile (head and shoulders) icon in the menu bar across the top of the page, next to ‘Main Menu’. Click on the option ‘My Account’. On the My Account page you will see a box with the heading ‘Membership’ in this box you will find ‘Auto renew’ next to a ticked box. Untick this box and click the pink ‘Update’ button. Membership payments will no longer be deducted and your account will default to a NAVA Free account once your current membership period expires.
If you wish to cancel a Premium Plus or Premium one year membership please email us on nava@visualarts.net.au
4. Do I need a membership card?
NAVA Membership cards are optional. When you purchase or renew your membership you will be asked if you would like to receive a membership card during the checkout process. As of 2020 members can now access a digital membership card when logging into the NAVA website and navigating to Membership card.
A membership card will give you discounted entry to paying exhibitions at the major galleries and museums around Australia as well as 10% of Eckersley’s Art and Craft. If you have lost your membership card email us on nava@visualarts.net.au to request a new one.
1. Where do I find the insurance certificate?
Login to the NAVA website with your email address and password. Once you are logged in click on the profile (head and shoulders) icon in the menu bar across the top of the page, next to ‘Main Menu’. Click on the option ‘My Account’. On the My Account page you will find all your insurance documentation under the heading ‘Membership’.
2. The expiry date on Certificate of Currency is different to my membership dates?
It is important to note that while the Certificate of Currency states an expiration date of 1st February, this does not apply to your individual membership. NAVA holds one policy for all Premium Plus Members and renews this rolling insurance policy in February each year on behalf of our members. You are covered by this insurance policy for as long as you are a Premium Plus Member. Next February, you will receive a notification from us when a new Certificate of Currency is available to download which will be used for the remaining period of your membership. You can use your confirmation email in conjunction with the Certificate of Currency to confirm your coverage.
3. I need confirmation of my Premium Plus Membership to give to a client
The confirmation email that you received at the time your Premium Plus Membership was last set up or renewed can be presented in conjunction with the Certificate of Currency to confirm your membership with NAVA and your coverage dates. This email also contains information about your insurance. Alternatively, you can email nava@visualarts.net.au requesting a confirmation letter and we can email through confirmation on letterhead.
4. If I'm renewing, do I need to fill in the form?
All new and renewing Premium Plus Members are required to fill in the form available on the NAVA website to set up their insurance for the next year. This to ensure that:
- We have the most up to date contact details and details about your practice.
- Your current practice can still be covered by the insurance policy we are providing. If there are aspects of your practice that the policy does not have the capacity to cover we would rather let you know now than when you need to make a claim!
When filling in the form you only need to fill in those fields marked with an asterisk*. You don’t need to provide images if none are easily available. Once you have submitted the form you can process payment straight away. If this is completed before your membership expires there will be no lapse in coverage.
5. How much am I covered for?
- Public and Products Liability (includes Property Damage): $20,000,000
- Professional Indemnity: $5,000,000
- Property in physical or legal control: $250,000
- Personal Accident up to $1000 per week
6. What is covered under the insurance?
Primarily this insurance package is intended to cover you, the artist or arts worker:
- as occupier of an office, studio or workshop (either at home or in rented premises);
- as a consultant or contractor at various locations including galleries/exhibitions, events, festivals, market stalls and other locations.
It is important to note that this insurance policy only provides cover for your legal liability(ies), and that you should be regularly undertaking risk management strategies to mitigate any potential hazards.
7. Does my insurance cover damage or loss to my own artwork/equipment/studio contents
The insurance we offer through the NAVA Premium Plus Membership does not cover loss or damage to your own artworks, equipment or studio contents. This type of insurance would need to be taken out directly with an insurance broker so that the policy can be tailored to the insurance values you need, a similar process to home and studio contents insurance.
8. Can I get short term insurance coverage?
NAVA is only able to offer the Premium Plus Membership and insurance coverage in one year blocks. The insurance coverage will be in place from your payment date and will provide coverage for multiple projects and locations during that year.
9. Should I need insurance for volunteer activities?
If you are volunteering for an organisation then you should not be required to provide your own insurance coverage; it is the responsibility of the organisation to ensure adequate insurance coverage. If you are volunteering to assist another artist then you should discuss insurance options with them. Their insurance may cover your liabilities. If there is no insurance coverage in place then you should discuss whether insurance coverage is necessary and if so how the costs should be covered.
10. I need insurance to run workshops
This policy is intended to cover artists and arts workers who may be teaching or passing on
skills through classes or similar teaching sessions. The artist or arts worker may be
contracted to facilitate these workshops at a school university, state institution, not for profit
or private organisation or run by the artist or art worker in their own name. If classes or
workshops are for adult participants there is no limit on the number that can be run. If classes
or workshops are for children (under the age of 18) there is a limit of no more than 12
workshops per year with no more than 10 participants in each class.
11. Does my insurance extend to other artists I'm working with?
The Premium Plus Membership does not have the capacity to cover the actions and liabilities of a collaborator. The collaborator will need to have their own insurance coverage to cover their practice as you cannot be responsible for their actions or liabilities. This is particularly important if you are sharing a workspace or exhibition space with another artist.
12. Does my insurance extend to assistants working on my project?
The Premium Plus Membership can provide liability insurance coverage for up to three assistants (volunteer only). These assistants must be working under your supervision at all times. The policy will not cover any accident or injury to your assistants. For this kind of coverage, you will need to speak directly to an insurance broker.
13. Will my NAVA insurance cover lost income and other impacts of COVID-19?
Unfortunately NAVA's Members' insurance package does not cover loss of income due to cancellation of work and other impacts of COVID-19.
1. What is NAVA?
NAVA is the national peak body protecting and promoting the professional interests of the Australian visual and media arts, craft and design sector. We are a membership organisation which sets best practice standards for the industry and advocates for the visual arts sector. You can find more information about our advocacy work here and our professional development program here.
2. Can you help me get started in the arts industry?
As an advocacy and professional development organisation we can provide resources that can help you start to operate your arts practice as a business. You will find resources such as the Code of Practice, Guides, Opportunities and the Artist Files useful in getting advice from other artists, finding opportunities to apply for and finding out what you need to know about industry standards, tax, copyright and approaching galleries.
3. Can NAVA promote my upcoming exhibition/event or opportunity?
The NAVA website has a What’s On page and Opportunities pages where artists and organisations can place listings. You just need to have a NAVA Free account to be able to place a listing on the website. To place an exhibition or event listing head to the What’s On page. To place a job, grant or call out listing head to the Opportunities page.
4. How do I get myself featured in the Artist Files?
NAVA loves to profile our professional members. If you are interested in creating a NAVA Artist File with us please email nava@visualarts.net.au with a link to your website. Please note that Artist Files are usually filmed six to nine months in advance and therefore are not the best way to promote an exhibition that is opening in the next few months.
Can I still purchase the Money for Visual Artists book?
Money for Visual Artists is now online! The Opportunities page on the NAVA website has replaced the Money for Visual Artists publication. Having opportunities listed online allows us to give you the most up to date information as details for opportunities are constantly changing! The online version is updated every day with new grants, residencies, prizes, call outs, jobs and commissions.
1. Can I apply for a NAVA Grant as a curator, administrator or organisation?
Curators, administrators and organisations are not eligible for NAVA Grants (except for the Freedman Foundation International Curator Scholarship which is open to curators only). If you are a curator, administrator or organisation wanting to apply for funding for an exhibition then the applicants on the application form must be the artist(s) involved and if successful funding will be provided to the artist(s).
2. Can I get feedback on my grant application?
Generally, NAVA is not able to provide detailed individual feedback. If you would like some feedback on your application please reply to the grant application outcome email you received. We will be able to provide any general comments from the assessors and any suggestions from the NAVA Grants Coordinator on sections of the application form that could be improved.
- 1. Which membership is best for me?
- 2. Can I pay via direct deposit or cheque?
- 3. How do I cancel?
- 4. Do I need a membership card?
- 1. Where do I find the insurance certificate?
- 2. The expiry date on Certificate of Currency is different to my membership dates?
- 3. I need confirmation of my Premium Plus Membership to give to a client
- 4. If I'm renewing, do I need to fill in the form?
- 5. How much am I covered for?
- 6. What is covered under the insurance?
- 7. Does my insurance cover damage or loss to my own artwork/equipment/studio contents
- 8. Can I get short term insurance coverage?
- 9. Should I need insurance for volunteer activities?
- 10. I need insurance to run workshops
- 11. Does my insurance extend to other artists I'm working with?
- 12. Does my insurance extend to assistants working on my project?
- 13. Will my NAVA insurance cover lost income and other impacts of COVID-19?
- 1. What is NAVA?
- 2. Can you help me get started in the arts industry?
- 3. Can NAVA promote my upcoming exhibition/event or opportunity?
- 4. How do I get myself featured in the Artist Files?
- Can I still purchase the Money for Visual Artists book?
- 1. Can I apply for a NAVA Grant as a curator, administrator or organisation?
- 2. Can I get feedback on my grant application?