NAVA statement on Create NSW funding announcement delays
NAVA responds to concerns raised by Members.
NAVA responds to concerns raised by Members.
In response to concerns raised by Members, today NAVA has spoken with senior Create NSW staff as well as the office of NSW Minister for the Arts, Don Harwin, regarding the impact of delayed funding announcements for Round 2 of the Arts and Cultural Development Program, which was due to be announced on 6 May.
“NAVA has been assured that the funding announcement is now imminent. The Create NSW announcements are expected by this coming Tuesday 29 May, if not earlier,” said NAVA Executive Director, Esther Anatolitis.
“Both Create NSW and the Minister’s office have expressed their strong empathy for artists and organisations affected by the delays in announcing funding.
“We understand from the many affected NAVA Members, as well as the sector service organisations who’ve been in touch, that these delays jeopardise the viability of the work that those funds exist to support. It’s not only artists who are affected, but also annually-funded service organisations whose focus is direct artist support, as well as the devolved funding programs delivered by such organisations, which are designed to make public funds more efficiently available to artists.
“As well as the imminence of the announcement, NAVA has also been assured that the processing of grant funds to successful applicants will be expedited. This is welcome news that will help avoid any further detriment to the excellent work supported by the Arts and Cultural Development Program.
“Alongside key NSW sector service organisations, NAVA will continue to work closely with Create NSW to assist in the improvement of processes, and advocate the ideas and concerns of our Members.
“I look forward to congratulating the successful recipients of the Create NSW Arts and Cultural Development Program.”