Call for NAVA Board Nominations - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Director

Nominations are now closed.

The NAVA Board seeks nominations for one elected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Director (identified role).

Directors on the Board are NAVA Members who are recognised by their peers, have strong sector standing and networks, and are able to activate relationships that extend NAVA's reach nationally in achieving its strategic goals.

As per NAVA's Artists and Arts Worker Fee Policy, honorarium payments are provided to First Nations Directors on the Board. The quantum of the honorarium is set by a decision of the Board in line with comparable bodies.

The role of a NAVA Board member is to promote good governance by assessing and monitoring strategy and risk. The NAVA Board takes a holistic, long-term and sector-engaged view of the organisation, overseeing and supporting its work. The NAVA Board is not an artistic advisory committee; all Board Directors contribute equally to all aspects of decision-making. 

In seeking nominations for an elected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Director, we seek candidates whose experience in contributing to high-level ethical decision-making might be evidenced via past board, committee, ARI or advisory positions. 

Prospective Directors must be NAVA Members who are nominated by another NAVA Member. Self-nominations are not permitted by NAVA's Articles of Association.

Nominations close on 28 April 2023. 

If an election is required, voting will open on 1 May and close 20 May 2023.

Image: Dr Bianca Beetson, outgoing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Director on the NAVA Board. Australian Cultural Policy: The Next Decade, presented by NAVA and Monash University Masters of Cultural & Creative Industries, Isabella Fraser Room, State Library of Victoria, Naarm, 2019. Photo by Sarah Walker.

National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and Knowledge Holders of the unceded lands on which we live, learn and work.

The NAVA community is based across hundreds of sovereign Nations and unceded lands throughout the continent that has become colonially known as Australia. NAVA pays our deepest respects to all Custodians of Country to whom these lands belong.

We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first artists and storytellers on this continent, and pay respect to First Nations communities’ Ancestors and Elders.

Sovereignty was never ceded. Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.