What You Have Been Saying About Artists’ Fees
Tamara Winikoff reports on the outcomes of a series of consultation roundtables NAVA has been hosting this year on its Fair Pay for Artists campaign.
NAVA's Key Achievements 1995-2017
Read below some of NAVA's key achievements 1995-2017.
To Fee or Not to Fee
Tamara Winikoff reports from the recent Brisbane Fair Pay for Artists consultation roundtable in the next phase of NAVA's campaign.
ArtsPeak welcomes return of money to Australia Council
Media Release
No More With Less
Media Release
$5 million for Artists
NAVA's latest advocacy campaign calling for a new $5million government allocation for artist fees.
Q&A with a-n The Artists Information Company
We spoke to Jeanie Scott, Executive Director of UK-based organisation a-n about their Paying Artists campaign for UK artists and their thoughts on artist fee models in Sweden and elsewhere.
Fair Pay for Artists
NAVA Media Release
Copyright in Danger of Going Seriously Wrong
Media Release
Ding Dong Merrily on High
On the current state of the arts in Australia and the takeaways for 2017.
ArtsPeak’s Response to the National Opera Review
Media Release
Senate Backs VET Training Support for Arts
Media Release
VET FEE-HELP essential for professional arts training
Media Release
Curating Power
Tamara Winikoff on the important role of the curator in leading the critical conversations and debates of our times.
Q&A with Djon Mundine
We interviewed curator, writer, artist and activist Djon Mundine.
On the Prospect of Restoration of Arts Funding
Media Release
Tenuous Freedoms
If you’re under the illusion that we have freedom of expression in Australia, think again. Gender, race and politics are a volatile mix. For this issue of Art Wires, NAVA asked for the observations of several artists whose work could be considered controversial.
Open letter to the Prime Minister in response to his statements this week on Q&A
Read NAVA's open letter this week to the Prime Minister.
The Great Peak Bodies Massacre
Why have four out of the five national peak artform organisations just had their funding discontinued by the Australia Council (in dance, literature, music and visual arts)? I’ll tease out several possible answers to this question. But first, let’s have a look at what these bodies do.
NAVA warmly welcomes Labor’s new Arts Plan
Media Release
Changed outlook for NAVA
Media Release
Government turns its back on the opportunity to fix arts funding mess
ArtsPeak Media Release
‘Fair Use’ - the wrong direction at the wrong time for Australian artists
ArtsPeak Media Release
Crafting Change
With the recent release of the publication Agenda for Australian Craft and Design Tamara Winikoff discusses the perception of craft in recent years, a brief rundown of the National Craft Initiative and steps to ensure the future of a sustainable craft sector in Australia.
ArtsPeak responds to Catalyst funding results
ArtsPeak Media Release
ArtsPeak takes up the Leadership Challenge with Expanded Executive Team
ArtsPeak Media Release
Women in Australian Art
Coinciding with the recent publication of The CoUNTess report on International Women's Day, Tamara Winikoff writes on a brief history of women's art collectives and movements in Australia. The CoUNTess report has been funded by The Cruthers Art Foundation and is supported by NAVA.
ArtsPeak calls for Government to act on Senate Inquiry recommendations
ArtsPeak Media Release
What's happening to Australia's art schools?
There was a time when art schools were regarded as a thrilling hotbed of experimentation, bohemianism and great new anarchic ideas. But the gradual funding squeeze and the Dawkins reforms around the early 90s saw them moved under the umbrella of the universities and required to be more business like and set ‘performance targets’. What has been the consequence?
ArtsPeak signals unsustainability of Australian arts
ArtsPeak media release
The Year in Rhyme - 2015
A wrap up of 2015 for the small to medium arts sector in limerick form.
Senate Inquiry Report Says It All
NAVA Media Release
Senate Committee delivers arts inquiry report
After an intensive 4 months of holding public hearings around the country, the Committee for the Senate Inquiry into arts funding has finally delivered its report.
This draws from a staggering 2718 submissions and the evidence delivered at the hearings by over 200 witnesses.
It is important to read the summary of that material and the 12 recommendations for action by the Government in the majority report.
Photo: Joan Cameron-Smith.
Diversity is the Same but Different
Since the theme for this Art Wires is ‘diversity’ I am thinking of how it might apply to the matter which has been preoccupying the art world and NAVA for the last six months. The previous Arts Minister, George Brandis tried to convince us that diversity of government funding sources was a good thing and was one of the reasons he had created the National Program for Excellence in the Arts (NPEA). However, resistance built to what the sector suspected was instead going to be another way of diverting yet more resources to privilege the major performing arts companies, the polar opposite of diversity. Brandis seemed to be of the opinion that excellence was their prerogative and the rest were mediocre.
NAVA responds to Arts Minister's decision on NPEA
Media release
It is with very mixed feelings that the visual arts sector has greeted the Arts Minister, Mitch Fifield's announcement of the long awaited resolution of uncertainty surrounding government funding for the arts.
NAAE welcomes final endorsement of The Australian Curriculum: The Arts
Media release from National Advocates for Arts Education
Utopia and how to get there
In trying to answer the question ‘what does Utopia look like?’ The National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA)’s dream was, and still is, that in time Australia will be recognised internationally as one of the great arts nations.
Q&A with Clare Cooper
We chat to Clare Cooper who has created a monthly arts futuring program at the University of Technology, Sydney where she is currently lecturing in Interdisciplinary Design Studies, Design Thinking and Researching Design History.
ArtsPeak seeks urgent meeting with the Arts Minister Fifield
Letter from ArtsPeak to Senator Mitch Fifield sent on 16 October 2015.
ArtsPeak calls for new measures to deal with state/territory arts budget impact
ArtsPeak media release
Art Fairs are the New Black
Following the blow dealt to the art market by the global financial crisis in 2008, it has been slow in recovery but is undergoing significant shifts. Many commercial galleries have closed, but new models for selling have emerged. Like biennales, art fairs are proliferating around the world. They are the emergent key marketplace for showcasing artwork for sale and diversifying the collector base. Sydney has just had a spate of simultaneous art fairs but all very different from one another. In their wake, it is good to reflect on the different models they offered.
What is needed to foster Australian craft and design?
In grappling with this challenge, great ideas have emerged out of conversations amongst some really accomplished Australian practitioners, curators, writers and academics. These discussions were precipitated by the Women in Design colloquium organised in July by Design Tasmania and held in Launceston, Tasmania.
ArtsPeak Laments Real Impact of Australia Council Cuts
Media Release
In the Midst of Chaos One Good Thing
If nothing else, one good thing to come out of the artquake caused by the funding cuts in the last two Federal Budgets, is the coalescing of the arts sector into a formidable machine. There has been a clear demonstration that when sufficiently pushed, the arts can speak with one voice. The more than 2260 submissions to the Senate Inquiry into the arts cuts was an amazing show of strength of conviction by the arts community and its supporters, audiences and participants of all kinds.
Huge Response to Senate Inquiry into Arts Funding
Media release
The National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) applauds the huge response - over 2260 submissions from around the country and overseas - to the Senate Inquiry into the impact of the 2014 and 2015 Commonwealth Budget decisions on the arts. (continues below)
ArtsPeak responds to announcement of NPEA guidelines
Media release
NPEA Value for Money?
Media Release
The National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) the peak body representing the professional interest of Australia’s visual and media arts, craft and design sector, today responded to the release last night of the draft guidelines for the ‘National Program for Excellence in the Arts’ (NPEA), by pointing out that they are similar to, but much narrower than the programs already offered by the Australia Council for the Arts.
Make a submission to the Senate Inquiry
Senate Inquiry investigating the impact of the 2014 and 2015 Commonwealth Budget decisions on the Arts
Brandis out of touch
Yesterday, federal Arts Minister Senator George Brandis demonstrated his disdain for the broader arts sector when he chose to ignore an invitation to meet with 65 independents artists and representatives of arts organisations who had travelled from every state and territory to meet with members of all three main political parties at Parliament House in Canberra.
The Commonwealth Arts Budget Fallout
Arts activists this week are celebrating the success of the call for a Senate Inquiry by ArtsPeak (the confederation of national peak arts organisations). Labor and the Greens proposed the motion in the Senate on 16 June and were supported by all crossbenchers. The Inquiry will be conducted by the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Reference Committee for report by 15th September.
State and Territory Impact of the Federal Arts Budget
A letter from ArtsPeak, The Confederation of Peak National Arts Organisations to state and territory arts ministers
ArtsPeak Calls for Senate Inquiry
Media release
The Possibilities of Art Money
This month NAVA's Executive Director, Tamara Winikoff discusses the various ways artist generate income from their practice, the art market, legislation in favour of artists, and the recent Art Money initiative.
Artists and the City
NAVA Executive Director Tamara Winikoff discusses the use of artists to provide vitality and excitement in public spaces and the problems that arise in the process of commissioning public art projects.
Artists Resale Royalty Scheme meeting
At a meeting on 20th March 2015, members of the visual arts sector had fruitful discussions with Senator George Brandis QC, Minister for the Arts and his Arts Adviser Michael Napthali about the Artists Resale Royalty Scheme.
Artists, you are the brand
NAVA Executive Director Tamara Winikoff delves into the risks and rewards of maintaining a public profile as an artist and the skills needed to cultivate your own brand.
Protect the Resale Royalty scheme for Australian Artists
Become your own advocate and make your voice heard to protect Australian artists' resale royalty rights.
Artists Rights International
Working towards the recognition of artists' professional status is a worldwide issue. Executive Director Tamara Winikoff discusses the work being done overseas and the repercussions for Australia.
Designs System Review
In response to the Federal Government's 'Review of the Designs System', NAVA has lodged a submission which calls for changes to the crossover between copyright and designs registration, patent law, lowering the cost of registration and harmonisation of Australian law with an international agreement.
Racial Discrimination Act change?
The attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has reignited a debate in Australia about whether changes should be made to Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, that bans language that offends, insults or humiliates people.
Top things list time
As we drag ourselves lethargically back to the arts coalface, where do our thoughts wander as we say goodbye to late rising, leisurely coffees/beers with mates and sunburn, sand in the mouth days at the beach? This time of year is special. It's top numbers time as we look back and forward to identify the best and worst of everything.
A crafty Christmas
When standing in front of a beautifully crafted thing, do you find yourself mentally trying to make it yourself? Doesn't it make your heart sing even if you fall back defeated and just give up and buy it? And anyway it's Christmas, a time of indulgences. However, as lovers of beautiful things we need to be conscious that behind the object lies a life of dedication to a practice that can be both hugely rewarding but also precarious.
A consequential national visual arts summit?
As we emerge from the whirlwind that was 'Future/Forward: the National Visual Arts Summit', NAVA is reflecting on how well our objectives were achieved and what the participants thought of it. During the event, the Twittersphere was electric with comment but we know that the real value will be if it continues to resonate and have impact long after it's over.
Arts education in schools is under attack
In late October 2014, representatives of the National Advocates for Arts Education (NAAE) of which NAVA is a member, went to Canberra and met with advisers to the Education Minister and senior members of his department to explain our objections to the recommendations in the Review of the Australian Curriculum – Final Report. We are also arranging meetings with Education Ministers in every state and territory prior to the COAG meeting in early December.
What’s Normal in the Visual Arts?
In the tidal wave of change, what is becoming the new 'normal' in the visual arts?
Arts Stats Dumped
Until now art statistics have provided essential information to governments and the sector itself. But no longer.
For artists is avoiding disaster just too hard?
How to protect yourself if your gallery goes bankrupt.
Visual Arts Budget Wrap
We can expect some belt tightening in the visual arts for the next four years. The recent federal budget announcements for our sector are not good.
Artist Activism
Are we on the brink of seeing the Australia Council make it a requirement of funding to have support from the business sector? This could become a new battleground for many arts organisations and artists resisting the imposition of a power partnership between the state and business.My New Year’s Art Resolutions
I'm staring at the blank slate of a new year and resolving what I must do to make this the best arts year ever…..